Friday, September 30, 2011

if you dont like your situation...change it

since becoming a mother i have found myself in a situation that i have not been in before...i have to rely on my sons father..or as i have referred to him in the past "partner"...i am not use to relying  on a man.  My partner tells me if i dont like how he does things...i can leave..comforting..that pretty much tells me could care less about i have been working on changing my "partner" use to make me feel like shit by going out to the bars every weekend doing god know what..and most weeknights he would find something to hustle..leaving me home alone with my i am not saying i am going to go out and start doing that..i feel thats destructive behavior..i have taken to improving my fitness with obvious benefits for me. a healthy body, and a healthy mind i hope can help make a healthy home for my son.....i am buying a house..because he always throws it in my face that ..if i say i dont  like something he does..he says i can leave any time...well i am changing my situation, turning the table on him.  i dont think he understands what his words do to me. If you dont like your situation change it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


The scent of another man pursuing me has caused  an awakening in my partner.  I am not sure if its a male instinct of "owning" his female, or if he truly see's me for what I am.  But he sure is starting to see that others do. He even bought me flowers.